Sunday, November 21, 2010

blog 7

So I presented my material for comp class on friday. I am writing a piece for the paddywagon trombone quartet, and I've been experimenting with Messiaen's modes of limited transposition (As I've mentioned in earlier posts).

I wanted to change my form to a longer form piece, rather than a couple shorter character movements. I'd still prefer to use the latter for my piece, but I for the class and marking purposes, I'll have to write a single character form. Oh well! I've decided to write in a rondo type of a form, with the contrasting B and C sections incorporating some of the ideas I had for my first idea. So I guess it's a win win situation after all.

I started over with new material last thursday and it's been working great! I am using non-standard meters and key areas, so hopefully it'll turn out to be an interesting piece!! Hopefully I can bring the written material to paddywagon rehearsal tonight, to see what it sounds like!

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